Porrata Building A. Pila st 205
2431 BlVD Luis A Ferre
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Here you will find useful informative articles written by Dr. Vega, as well as a listing of current publications by Dr. Vega and colleagues. To see the article and/or publication, you can click on its title.
Useful information
Publications by Dr. Mairim Vega and Colleagues
1. Scientific articles:
(click on the title to see the article)
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Females
Cedano, YM, Rivera-Caquías, N., Alvarez-Alvarez, M., & Vega-Carrero, M. (2020). Autism Spectrum Disorder in Females. Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 4(3), 281–294. https://doi.org/10.37226/rcp.v4i3.4851
Vega, M., Muscal, E., & Evankovich, K. (2019). Recovery of Cognitive, Academic and Adaptive Functioning in Pediatric Anti-NMDAR: Serial Neuropsychological Data for a 16-year-old Bilingual Female. Iberoamerican Journal of Neuropsychology, 2(2), 107-118.
2. Book Chapters:
Oliveras-Rentas, RE, Vega-Carrero, M., & Rodríguez-Irizarry, W. (2022). Neuropsychology and access to services in Puerto Rico: A family's journey with autism spectrum disorder. In Irani, F. (Ed.), Cultural diversity in neuropsychological assessment: developing understanding through global case studies. Routledge.http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003051862-69
Fundamental principles in the evaluation of normal aging and dementias
Rodríguez-Irizarry, W., Oliveras-Rentas, RE, & Vega-Carrero, M. (2022). Fundamental principles in the evaluation of normal aging and dementia. In Rodríguez-Irizarry, W., Arango-Lasprilla, J., & Sepúlveda-Vélez, R. (Eds.), Aging and dementias. Modern Handbook.
Oliveras-Rentas, RE, Vega-Carrero, M., & Rodríguez-Irrizarry, W. (2018). Autism Spectrum Disorder. InPsychological and neuropsychological disorders in childhood and adolescence.Modern Handbook.
Multicultural and Multilingual Considerations with Childhood Cancer Survivors.
Zebrowski, CM, Vega, M., & Llorente, AM (2015). Multicultural and Multilingual Considerations with Childhood Cancer Survivors. In Mucci, G.A., (Ed.),Handbook of long term care of the childhood cancer survivor.Springer.